Free is not usually a word that you hear when it comes to home energy assessments and utility upgrades. But for Massachusetts residents who qualify for the Mass Save program, there are several no-cost options available to them that can help them manage their energy usage and reduce their overall utility costs.

What is the Mass Save Program?

The Mass Save program is an initiative in Massachusetts that is designed to provide qualified homeowners with assistance in managing their energy usage and reducing their utility costs. The program is a partnership between the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources and program sponsors, which include the top utility companies and providers in the state. Through this partnership, those who qualify can receive a no-cost home energy assessment as well as guidance on how to reduce their energy usage over time. Other incentives, rebates, and resources are available through this program as well.

How is the Mass Save Program Funded?

This innovative program receives funding from utility customers. All Massachusetts residents who pay their utility bills will notice an “energy-efficiency fee” on their monthly statements. This fee supports the Mass Save program. The funding for this collaboration has allowed Massachusetts to become one of the most energy-efficient states in the country.

Section of utility bill

The Energy-Efficiency line item on your utility bill helps fund Mass Save.

Why Does the Program Provide No-Cost Home Energy Assessments?

The program provides no-cost home energy assessments so that homeowners can better understand their energy usage and learn more about how they can reduce their energy consumption in the future. Not only does reduced energy consumption help the environment and protect the world for the next generation, but it also helps homeowners realize immediate cost savings.

When you schedule a no-cost home energy assessment, you can expect a qualified specialist to:

  • Perform an assessment that lasts for about 2-3 hours.
  • Check your heating system for efficiency and safety
  • Complete a personalized report providing you with valuable data about your home energy usage.
  • Replace your incandescent light bulbs with LEDs
  • Offer you additional information about incentives and rebates that you may qualify for through the Mass Save program.

For many, these no-cost home energy assessments kick-start an energy-efficient movement in their own homes. Homeowners quickly digest the data that is provided to them, and they can take the first steps toward becoming an energy-efficient household. The additional incentives and rebates that are available can easily be implemented and allow them to reduce their energy costs over time.

Are These Assessments Really Provided at No Cost?

Yes, these home energy assessments are provided at no cost for Mass Save customers. This is due to the fact that customers pay an energy-efficiency fee on their monthly utility bills. Technically, the home energy assessments are not free — as customers have paid for this service on their monthly bills. However, these no-cost energy assessments are a valuable service that customers can take advantage of and can use in order to realize additional cost savings in the months and years to come.

The Importance of Working with a Mass Save Partner 

Your Mass Save no-cost home energy assessment is available to you as long as you work with a qualified contractor. The assessment must be provided by a contractor who has been approved by the Mass Save program. In addition, all subsequent work that is performed will need to be done by a Mass Save partner in order for you to receive the rebates and incentives that have been offered to you. As a Mass Save program participant, you can select a contractor from a list of pre-approved partners, or you can opt to have a contractor assigned to you.

How Does a Contractor Become a Mass Save Partner?

Many homeowners who are interested in taking advantage of the Mass Save no-cost home energy assessments and subsequent rebates want to know how the partnering contractors are selected. It is important to them that these contractors are qualified, and they are often concerned about the services they will receive from these contractors. Luckily for Massachusetts residents, the contractors who are approved to complete no-cost home energy assessments through this initiative must meet specific requirements in order to be eligible to work with Mass Save program participants. All qualified contractors have to undergo rigorous training and complete certification requirements before they can begin performing no-cost home energy assessments and additional work to help the residents of Massachusetts become more energy-efficient.

HomeWorks Energy is a partner of the Mass Save program, which means that we can provide you with your no-cost energy assessment and assist you with the upgrades that you qualify for. To learn more about the services that we provide to Massachusetts residents and to schedule your no-cost home energy assessment, contact us today.