As New England shows off its autumn colors and idyllic weather, the HVAC service professionals are already bracing for the busy season. Most heating systems have been neglected since last winter, and we get it. The last thing anyone wants to do in their precious free time is worry about their furnace or boiler.

The truth is: Simple, regular maintenance can save you from pricey repairs and uncomfortable hours or even days waiting for service in the busy winter months.

One easy step can save you from discomfort and adversity: Make a habit of scheduling a heating system check-up annually! Here are the 6 reasons you should get your heating system checked before winter:

1. Minimize Energy Costs

No matter your heat source or type of system, regular maintenance helps to keep your system running efficiently. Dust build-up in furnaces and soot that accumulates in boilers both cause systems to use more energy to keep up. Minimize your energy bill and carbon footprint by having your system cleaned and serviced regularly.

2. Avoid Expensive Repairs

When a HomeWorks Energy HVAC specialist services your unit, they may find smaller issues that could become major repairs if neglected. Thankfully, minor adjustments and repairs can result in significant savings during the winter months when freezing temperatures already strain your heating system.

3. Ensure Safety

Faulty heating systems pose health and safety hazards, including carbon monoxide exposure, gas leaks, and fires. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe and rest easy knowing that your system is functioning properly. During a heating system check-up, a heating expert will check for leaks and wiring issues that could pose a risk to your household.

4. Prolong the Life of Your System

Minor problems can cause your heating system to work harder than it needs to whenever it’s running. This puts strain on the system as a whole and can compound into expensive repairs or even a replacement. Well-maintained systems tend to have a longer lifespan with fewer breakdowns than those that don’t receive annual attention.

5. Improve Airflow and Air Quality

During an annual check-up of your furnace, boiler, heat pump, or domestic hot water unit, one of our technicians will ensure proper ventilation and airflow within your system. This not only improves the quality of the air you breathe at home but also takes the stress of restricted airflow off your system.

6. Maintain Your Warranty

If your heating system is still under warranty, regular maintenance from a professional is required to maintain coverage. Don’t neglect your system and lose out on the benefits of a manufacturer’s warranty when it could save you hundreds down the road.

These gorgeous fall temperatures make it tempting to wait, but now is the time to get ahead of winter!

Right now, HomeWorks’ HVAC team is offering a full heating system check-up for just $99.

This early bird pricing is almost 40% off the regular cost and won’t last long. To claim your appointment slot before they fill up, call (781) 506-1458, or schedule online.

A comprehensive HomeWorks Heating System Check-up includes:

Heat Pumps:

  • Verify adequate airflow
  • Check system pressures and operation
  • Ensure all safeties in place are in working order

Gas Heat Furnace/Boilers:

  • Combustion analysis
  • Check electrical connections and internal wiring
  • Inspect for system combustion build-up, corrosion, or rust
  • Heat Exchanger Inspection
  • Test combustion air piping, exhaust/flame safety, ignition system, and temperature distribution

Domestic Hot Water:

  • Flush tank
  • Inspect ignition system
  • Visual inspection of DHW